The Seven Data Structures of Highly Effective Developers
At some point in your career (today?!) you will want to learn data structures. It’s not just to ace the technical interview and land your dream job. Learning data structures will help you understand how software works and improve your problem-solving skills.
What makes The Seven Data Structures of Highly Effective Developers different from the many resources already available?
One word: science.
This book uses learning science to ensure you understand the how and the why, not just the what, of computer science.
That's not enough?
Okay, then.
The Seven Data Structures of Highly Effective Developers puts the fun in `function`.
You don't like having fun?
You might be in the wrong place. Good luck out there.
For the rest of us, this books covers the following data structures and algorithms:
- Array
- Stack
- Queue
- Linked List
- Tree
- Tree Traversal
- Tree Search
- Tree Node Removal
- Graph
- Breadth-First Search Graph Traversal
- Shortest Path Graph Traversal
- Depth-First Search Graph Traversal
- Topological Sort with Depth-First Search Graph Traversal
- Hash Table
- Separate Chaining Hash Table Collisions
- Linear Probing Hash Table Collisions
You'll learn profound lessons in performant JavaScript in PDF format.